V.E. Schwab
V.E. Schwab joined us all the way from France to discuss two of our favorite book club reads, Vicious and A Darker Shade of Magic. She’s a radiant human through and through!
Delilah S. Dawson & Kevin Hearne
Get ready to laugh! Delilah S. Dawson & Kevin Hearne are quite a dynamic writing duo! They talk about their tag team writing process and how they came up with their crazy ideas for Kill the Farm Boy.
Lev Grossman
It’s a magical evening when Lev Grossman joins us from New York City. We talk important things like cello lessons, Star Trek vs. Star Wars, and all things about The Magicians.
Hugh Howey
Club members submitted questions, and Hugh Howey responded! The author of the hit novel WOOL talks about his inspirations for the book, the characters, and why this book matters in today’s world.